How to register for the latest Webmoney
Before registering for Webmoney, you should first know the type of Webmoney account that you will use. There are at least three types of Webmoney commonly used, and you can choose one according to your needs.
1. WebMoney Keeper Mini
Easy-to-use Webmoney with access via a browser (Firefox, chrome, internet explore, etc.). So you can access it from anywhere as long as you know the user and password. The drawback has a limit/limited transactions per day under $ 200, per week under $ 500, and per month under $ 1000.
2. WebMoney Keeper Classic
Webmoney is accessed using a program/application installed on your computer or laptop. Security to login using user and password and KEY file (key) stored on your computer. The advantages are besides being safe because. I can't access it from a computer that doesn't have a KEY, and it also doesn't have a transaction limit.
3. WebMoney Keeper Light
Webmoney is accessed using a browser with a unique root certificate installed. You cannot access it from a browser that does not use the appropriate Webmoney certificate. Very safe and has no limits/limits in transactions. All types of Webmoney above in making transactions, primarily fund transfers using SMS confirmation to mobile phones (such as tokens), so that your funds are safe on Webmoney.
For transactions that are not too large and simpler, we recommend creating an account of the WebMoney Keeper Mini type. And for more significant transaction needs, it is possible to upgrade from Webmoney keeper Mini to Webmoney Keeper Classic/Light/
Webmoney Language Options Previously, as an initial note, it has been said that Webmoney is a company originating from Russia. When accessing their website, sometimes we are accidentally thrown into their website, which is in Russian. This is undoubtedly confusing, especially for those who do not understand Russian. The way to change it back to English is by selecting the language option box in the upper right corner of the website (the one with the flag). Select EN (British flag) to return to English.
1. Open the official Webmoney website
First, visit the official Webmoney page, click >> to register for a mini Webmoney account. Then click the Sign-Up button to start the registration.
2. Register Your Mobile Number
Mobile number is used as confirmation via SMS when making transactions. So use your valid mobile number. It is recommended to use an Indosat provider number (Mentari, IM3, etc.). Because several cases were encountered using other providers, the confirmation SMS sent from Webmoney did not reach our cellphones. The format of the cellphone number entered must include the country code of Indonesia (+62) – the zero in front of the cellphone number is replaced with the country code. For example, your cellphone number is 08151010xxxx, the format entered is +628151010xxxx. When you click the Proceed button to continue.
3. Fill in the Personal Details Form
This form consists of several parts that. Must fill with valid data according to your valid ID card, passport, or driving license. You can see how to fill out this form in the image and description below. Personal data.Fill in your name and date of birth. If your name is only one word, enter it as your first and last name. For example, your name is Anton, enter First Name: Anton and Last Name: Anton. For Alias, you can choose an alias name according to your wishes. The column can be left blank if you do not have a middle name. For gender, please select Male (Male) or Female (female).
Location or Address Data
Fill in your address data according to your KTP or SIM.
Personal Identity Data
The "Self Identity Data" column is sometimes there, sometimes not. If you don't see this section when registering, it's not a problem because you can fill it in after registration on the Webmoney dashboard. If there is, please fill it in according to your identity data (KTP, Passport, or SIM).
Contact Data
Contact data is filled in with your primary email for confirmation and activation when you upgrade to Webmoney Keeper Classic/Light.
Selecting Control Questions
This feature is usually used when one day you want to restore your lost account access rights, for example, due to lost passwords or other reasons. You should also fill in the Additional Email with your other email if, at any time, it turns out that I cannot access your primary email. This additional email field can be left blank if you don't want to add a supporting email. When it is filled, click the Proceed button to continue registration.
4. Check Your Personal Data
Check again the personal data you just filled in the previous form. If there is an error, click the "Back" button to fix it. If all is OK, you can continue by clicking the "Proceed" button.
5. Enter the Registration Code
Next, you will go to a page to enter the registration code. Usually, Webmoney sends an email containing the registration code to the primary email you used to register. You must enter the registration code in the blank box on this page.
You must open the primary email that you used to register earlier. The view of the email sent by Webmoney can be seen as shown below. Click the email to open and view the registration code from Webmoney.
You will see a row of numbers and letters when you are done, as shown in box 1 (bottom image). You have to Copy-Paste this code into an empty column on the WebMoney page. Or you can also directly click on the link shown in box no 2 (bottom image).
If you don't click the link shown in box no.2 (top image), it means that you have to enter the registration code manually by copying and pasting the registration code into the WebMoney page. After that, click the "Proceed" button to continue the registration process.
6. Verification via SMS
In this section, if all goes well, your cellphone will usually receive an SMS from Webmoney containing a verification code. The verification code is typically a code in a row of 5 digits. Some conditions that may occur in this section;
a. If you receive a verification code SMS, type and enter the verification code in the box shown in box no 1 (bottom image). Then click the Proceed button to continue registration.
b. If you do not receive the SMS verification code after waiting for a while, then you can click the link that says "Click Here" shown in box no.2 (bottom image).
c. If you don't want to verify, you can continue registration to the next section by clicking the link shown in box no.3 (bottom image). This option will prevent you from making transactions until you verify SMS. You can change your mobile number and verify this anytime later on your Webmoney account dashboard.
7. Password generation
Now you enter the last part of registration, creating a password for your Webmoney account. Type the password as you wish, preferably consisting of letters and numbers. Store your passwords securely, and don't tell anyone. Don't forget to enter the notes on the page, then click the OK button to finish.
8. Your Webmoney Account Dashboard
Now you have a Webmoney Keeper Mini account. For Purse creation, we will discuss making transactions and upgrading to Webmoney Classic in another section. I hope it is functional.
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